Saturday, January 10, 2009

The 10 Day Challenge: Eating and Drinking -- what to expect

Okay lets get going on what you will need to know, and need to be doing during this 10 Day Challenge!!!

Lets talk about WATER . . .

Start drinking A LOT of water!!! At LEAST 8-10 glasses/day!

A few helpful benefits of water:


-big part of digestion

-clears up the skin, making us look younger

- de-bloats us -- if we don't have enough water, we retain water, and we feel bloated.

- helps subside hunger

Get ready to LOVE water -- because this is basically the ONLY drink you can have in the 10 days.

Other drinks that are okay: Coffee (black) and Herbal Tea (I love Mint tea)

--- so NO diets drinks, soda, or fruit juices --- just WATER WATER WATER.


Here are the basics for the 10 day Challenge:

1000 calories (if your male increase it to 1200-1300 depending on your size) per day

-5 small meals per day, Calorie breakdown for each meal: 250, 150, 250, 150, 250 --- but you don't need to worry about that -- if you follow the meal plan to a T and use the substitutes I provide for you, you don't need to count calories.

I will provide the food menu of:

Proteins, Veggies and Complex Carbs

Disclaimer: You should only eat this little for these 10 days. To sustain and maintain a longer healthy eating plan, you should have no less than 1200 calories per day and eat a little more complex carbs than in the 10 day start up challenge!

Also this plan is to give you a great jump start -- if you do not keep eating healthy afterwards, the weight and inches will quickly return you back to your bodies automatic reset zone.

I will give you the tips you need to keep it going after!!!

Love love love -- more to come! Have a heal-thy day!


beck said...

cool. i really am going to do this! Thanks ame!

Amy and The Mack Pack said...
