Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Challenge . . . Who's in?

Happy New Year!!!

Here we are full of excitement and New Years Resolutions!

Okay - so lets be honest . . . the most popular resolution is to:

--- lose weight, be healthier, and get in shape! And everyone has a little worry about really doing that - Right? Well. . .

I have a challenge that will really help you get a GREAT jumpstart on the above resolution . . . for all who want to participate!!!

It's EASY - and only 10 days long!
I promise - IF YOU PARTICIPATE 100% YOU WILL LOSE ONE WHOLE PANT SIZE!!! (ie: from size 12 to size 10, for women - or from size 38 to size 36, for men)

You will need to start a little prep so you don't give up during the Challenge - You have 2 weeks to start preparing yourself - gradually start eating healthier and a little less than usual through the next TWO weeks - and start working out - even if its just 2 times a week, so you can be ready for the REAL jump-start! (TIP: the healthier you eat and the more you work out, the more prepared you will be) I will give you all the tips you need, and the eating and exercise plan for this challenge . . .

Here is the Challenge:

Starting Monday, January 19th (two weeks from tomorrow):

-10 days (straight)(Jan. 19th - Jan. 28th)
-Give 100%
-Eat "clean" and completely healthy
-Work out 10 out of the 10 days
-Oh and . . .Give 100%
** I will have all the details posted within the next two weeks

If you follow the workout and eating schedule I post -- and give it 100% --- you WILL lose a whole pant size in 10 DAYS!!! Don't believe me - well - test it! What do you have to lose? - um - oh yeah - A PANT SIZE!

I even tested it myself - and YES - it worked for me!!!
I want to see if it REALLY WORKS FOR YOU!!!!
I will help you prep in these next TWO weeks, so you can be ready do GIVE 100% to the Challenge!

I found this great clip - Watch this video - click HERE(video) - it has VERY helpful hints on eating healthy - and it relates to what you will be doing during the 10 day Challenge!

LOVE LOVE LOVE! Have a heal-thy day!!!



beck said...

totally in! sounds great!

Bash's said...

I'm in!! But, I have to take one day off (my Birthday!!!). So, I'll just add another day at the end. I think Steve will be in too. Is Scott taking the challenge too???

Amy and The Mack Pack said...

Sweet! Lets get on it!

KaufusiFamily said...

I'm totally in! Can't wait!